// Name: Rating.RatingBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedRating"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior = function(element) { /// /// The RatingBehavior creates a sequence of stars used to rate an item /// /// /// DOM element associated with the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._starCssClass = "rating_star"; this._filledStarCssClass = "rating_filled"; this._emptyStarCssClass = "rating_empty"; this._waitingStarCssClass = null; this._isServerControl = false; this._readOnly = false; this._ratingValue = 0; this._currentRating = 0; this._maxRatingValue = 5; this._tag = ""; this._ratingDirection = 0; this._stars = null; this._callbackID = null; this._mouseOutHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseOut); this._starClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onStarClick); this._starMouseOverHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onStarMouseOver); this._keyDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyDownBack); this._autoPostBack = false; } Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.prototype = { initialize : function() { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); var elt = this.get_element(); this._stars = []; for (var i = 1; i <= this._maxRatingValue; i++) { starElement = $get(elt.id + '_Star_' + i); starElement.value = i; Array.add(this._stars, starElement); $addHandler(starElement, 'click', this._starClickHandler); $addHandler(starElement, 'mouseover', this._starMouseOverHandler); } $addHandler(elt, 'mouseout', this._mouseOutHandler); $addHandler(elt, "keydown", this._keyDownHandler); this._update(); }, dispose : function() { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// var elt = this.get_element(); if (this._stars) { for (var i = 0; i < this._stars.length; i++) { var starElement = this._stars[i]; $removeHandler(starElement, 'click', this._starClickHandler); $removeHandler(starElement, 'mouseover', this._starMouseOverHandler); } this._stars = null; } $removeHandler(elt, 'mouseout', this._mouseOutHandler); $removeHandler(elt, "keydown", this._keyDownHandler); Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, _onError : function(message, context) { /// /// Error handler for the callback /// /// /// Error message /// /// /// Context /// alert(String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.Rating_CallbackError, message)); }, _receiveServerData : function(arg, context) { /// /// Handler for successful return from callback /// /// /// Argument /// /// /// Context /// context._waitingMode(false); context.raiseEndClientCallback(arg); }, _onMouseOut : function(e) { /// /// Handler for a star's mouseout event /// /// /// Event info /// if (this._readOnly) { return; } this._currentRating = this._ratingValue; this._update(); this.raiseMouseOut(this._currentRating); }, _onStarClick : function(e) { /// /// Handler for a star's click event /// /// /// Event info /// if (this._readOnly) { return; } if (this._ratingValue != this._currentRating) { this.set_Rating(this._currentRating); } }, _onStarMouseOver : function(e) { /// /// Handler for a star's mouseover event /// /// /// Event info /// if (this._readOnly) { return; } if (this._ratingDirection == 0) { this._currentRating = e.target.value; } else { this._currentRating = this._maxRatingValue + 1 - e.target.value; } this._update(); this.raiseMouseOver(this._currentRating); }, _onKeyDownBack : function(ev){ /// /// Handler for a star's keyDown event /// /// /// Event info /// if (this._readOnly) { return; } var k = ev.keyCode ? ev.keyCode : ev.rawEvent.keyCode; if ( (k == Sys.UI.Key.right) || (k == Sys.UI.Key.up) ) { this._currentRating = Math.min(this._currentRating + 1, this._maxRatingValue); this.set_Rating(this._currentRating); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } else if ( (k == Sys.UI.Key.left) || (k == Sys.UI.Key.down) ) { this._currentRating = Math.max(this._currentRating - 1, 1); this.set_Rating(this._currentRating); ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } }, _waitingMode : function(activated) { /// /// Update the display to indicate whether or not we are waiting /// /// /// Whether or not we are waiting /// for (var i = 0; i < this._maxRatingValue; i++) { var starElement; if (this._ratingDirection == 0) { starElement = this._stars[i]; } else { starElement = this._stars[this._maxRatingValue - i - 1]; } if (this._currentRating > i) { if (this._waitingStarCssClass) { if (activated) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(starElement, this._filledStarCssClass); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(starElement, this._waitingStarCssClass); } else { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(starElement, this._waitingStarCssClass); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(starElement, this._filledStarCssClass); } } } else { if (this._waitingStarCssClass) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(starElement, this._waitingStarCssClass); } Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(starElement, this._filledStarCssClass); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(starElement, this._emptyStarCssClass); } } }, _update : function() { /// /// Update the display /// var elt = this.get_element(); $get(elt.id + "_A").title = this._currentRating; for (var i = 0; i < this._maxRatingValue; i++) { var starElement; if (this._ratingDirection == 0) { starElement = this._stars[i]; } else { starElement = this._stars[this._maxRatingValue - i - 1]; } if (this._currentRating > i) { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(starElement, this._emptyStarCssClass); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(starElement, this._filledStarCssClass); } else { Sys.UI.DomElement.removeCssClass(starElement, this._filledStarCssClass); Sys.UI.DomElement.addCssClass(starElement, this._emptyStarCssClass); } } }, add_Rated : function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the rated event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().addHandler("Rated", handler); }, remove_Rated : function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the rated event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().removeHandler("Rated", handler); }, raiseRated : function(rating) { /// /// Raise the rated event /// /// /// Rating /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler("Rated"); if (handler) { handler(this, new Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs(rating)); } }, add_MouseOver : function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the MouseMove event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().addHandler("MouseOver", handler); }, remove_MouseOver : function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the MouseOver event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().removeHandler("MouseOver", handler); }, raiseMouseOver : function(rating_tmp) { /// /// Raise the MouseOver event /// /// /// eventArgs /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler("MouseOver"); if (handler) { handler(this, new Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs(rating_tmp)); } }, add_MouseOut : function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the MouseOut event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().addHandler("MouseOut", handler); }, remove_MouseOut : function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the MouseOut event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().removeHandler("MouseOut", handler); }, raiseMouseOut : function(rating_old) { /// /// Raise the MouseOut event /// /// /// eventArgs /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler("MouseOut"); if (handler) { handler(this, new Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs(rating_old)); } }, add_EndClientCallback : function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the EndClientCallback event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().addHandler("EndClientCallback", handler); }, remove_EndClientCallback : function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the EndClientCallback event /// /// /// Handler /// this.get_events().removeHandler("EndClientCallback", handler); }, raiseEndClientCallback : function(result) { /// /// Raise the EndClientCallback event /// /// /// Callback result /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler("EndClientCallback"); if (handler) { handler(this, new Sys.Extended.UI.RatingCallbackResultEventArgs(result)); } }, get_AutoPostBack : function() { return this._autoPostBack; }, set_AutoPostBack : function(value) { this._autoPostBack = value; }, get_Stars : function() { /// /// Elements for the displayed stars /// return this._stars; }, get_Tag : function() { /// /// A custom parameter to pass to the ClientCallBack /// return this._tag; }, set_Tag : function(value) { if (this._tag != value) { this._tag = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Tag'); } }, get_CallbackID : function() { /// /// ID of the ClientCallBack /// return this._callbackID; }, set_CallbackID : function(value) { this._callbackID = value; }, get_RatingDirection : function() { /// /// RatingDirection - Orientation of the stars (LeftToRightTopToBottom or RightToLeftBottomToTop) /// /// TODO: We should create an enum for this return this._ratingDirection; }, set_RatingDirection : function(value) { if (this._ratingDirection != value) { this._ratingDirection = value; if (this.get_isInitialized()) { this._update(); } this.raisePropertyChanged('RatingDirection'); } }, get_EmptyStarCssClass : function() { /// /// CSS class for a star in empty mode /// return this._emptyStarCssClass; }, set_EmptyStarCssClass : function(value) { if (this._emptyStarCssClass != value) { this._emptyStarCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('EmptyStarCssClass'); } }, get_FilledStarCssClass : function() { /// /// CSS class for star in filled mode /// return this._filledStarCssClass; }, set_FilledStarCssClass : function(value) { if (this._filledStarCssClass != value) { this._filledStarCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('FilledStarCssClass'); } }, get_WaitingStarCssClass : function() { /// /// CSS class for a star in waiting mode /// return this._waitingStarCssClass; }, set_WaitingStarCssClass : function(value) { if (this._waitingStarCssClass != value) { this._waitingStarCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('WaitingStarCssClass'); } }, get_Rating : function() { /// /// Current rating value /// var hiddenValue = Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'get_ClientState'); if (hiddenValue !== null && hiddenValue.length) { this._ratingValue = hiddenValue } if (this._ratingValue == '') this._ratingValue = null; return this._ratingValue; }, set_Rating : function(value) { if (this._ratingValue != value) { this._ratingValue = value; this._currentRating = value; if (this.get_isInitialized()) { if ((value < 0) || (value > this._maxRatingValue)) { return; } this._update(); Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'set_ClientState', [ this._ratingValue ]); this.raisePropertyChanged('Rating'); this.raiseRated(this._currentRating); if (this._isServerControl) { this._waitingMode(true); var args = this._currentRating + ";" + this._tag; var id = this._callbackID; if (this._autoPostBack) { __doPostBack(id, args); } else { WebForm_DoCallback(id, args, this._receiveServerData, this, this._onError, true) } } } } }, get_MaxRating : function() { /// /// Maximum rating value /// return this._maxRatingValue; }, set_MaxRating : function(value) { if (this._maxRatingValue != value) { this._maxRatingValue = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('MaxRating'); } }, get_ReadOnly : function() { /// /// Whether or not the rating can be changed /// return this._readOnly; }, set_ReadOnly : function(value) { if (this._readOnly != value) { this._readOnly = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ReadOnly'); } }, get_StarCssClass : function() { /// /// CSS class for a visible star /// return this._starCssClass; }, set_StarCssClass : function(value) { if (this._starCssClass != value) { this._starCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('StarCssClass'); } } } Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.RatingBehavior, { name: "rating" }); Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs = function(rating) { /// /// Event arguments for the RatingBehavior's rated event /// /// /// Rating /// Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._rating = rating; } Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs.prototype = { get_Rating : function() { /// /// Rating /// return this._rating; } } Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.RatingEventArgs', Sys.EventArgs); Sys.Extended.UI.RatingCallbackResultEventArgs = function(result) { /// /// Event arguments for the RatingBehavior's EndClientCallback event /// /// /// Callback result /// Sys.Extended.UI.RatingCallbackResultEventArgs.initializeBase(this); this._result = result; } Sys.Extended.UI.RatingCallbackResultEventArgs.prototype = { get_CallbackResult : function() { /// /// Callback result /// return this._result; } } Sys.Extended.UI.RatingCallbackResultEventArgs.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.RatingCallbackResultEventArgs', Sys.EventArgs); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedBase"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();