// Name: ListSearch.ListSearchBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedListSearch"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior = function(element) { /// /// The ListSearchBehavior allows users to search incrementally within a Select /// /// /// Select associated with the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._promptCssClass = null; this._promptText = (Sys.Extended.UI.Resources && Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.ListSearch_DefaultPrompt) || "Type to search"; this._offsetX = 0; this._offsetY = 0; this._promptPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchPromptPosition.Top; this._raiseImmediateOnChange = false; this._queryPattern = Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern.StartsWith; this._isSorted = false; this._popupBehavior = null; this._onShowJson = null; this._onHideJson = null; this._originalIndex = 0; // Index of the selected option when a key is first hit (before it is changed by the browser) this._newIndex = -1; // New index to which we want to move. We need this because Firefox shifts the selected option even though we preventDefault and preventPropagation in _onKeyPress. this._showingPromptText = false; this._searchText = ''; // Actual search text (text displayed in the PromptDiv may be clipped) this._ellipsis = String.fromCharCode(0x2026); this._binarySearch = false; this._applicationLoadDelegate = null; this._focusIndex = 0; // Selected Index when the list is initially given focus this._queryTimeout = 0; // Timeout in milliseconds after which search text will be cleared this._timer = null; // Holds the opaque ID returned by setTimeout function. Needed to correctly clear the timeout reference. this._matchFound = false; // Set to true means an item was selected after searching. False means no item match search criteria this._focusHandler = null; this._blurHandler = null; this._keyDownHandler = null; this._keyUpHandler = null; this._keyPressHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.prototype = { initialize : function() { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); var element = this.get_element(); if(element && element.tagName === 'SELECT') { this._focusHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onFocus); this._blurHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onBlur); this._keyDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyDown); this._keyUpHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyUp); this._keyPressHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onKeyPress); $addHandler(element, "focus", this._focusHandler); $addHandler(element, "blur", this._blurHandler); $addHandler(element, "keydown", this._keyDownHandler); $addHandler(element, "keyup", this._keyUpHandler); $addHandler(element, "keypress", this._keyPressHandler); this._applicationLoadDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onApplicationLoad); Sys.Application.add_load(this._applicationLoadDelegate); } }, dispose : function() { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// var element = this.get_element(); $removeHandler(element, "keypress", this._keyPressHandler); $removeHandler(element, "keyup", this._keyUpHandler); $removeHandler(element, "keydown", this._keyDownHandler); $removeHandler(element, "blur", this._blurHandler); $removeHandler(element, "focus", this._focusHandler); this._onShowJson = null; this._onHideJson = null; this._disposePopupBehavior(); if(this._applicationLoadDelegate) { Sys.Application.remove_load(this._applicationLoadDelegate); this._applicationLoadDelegate = null; } if(this._timer) { this._stopTimer(); } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, _onApplicationLoad : function(sender, applicationLoadEventArgs) { /// /// Handler called automatically when a all scripts are loaded and controls are initialized /// Called after all scripts have been loaded and controls initialized. If the current Select is the one that has /// focus then it shows the prompt text. We cannot do this in the initialize method because the second pass initialization /// of the popup behavior hides it. /// /// /// Sender /// /// /// Event arguments /// var hasInitialFocus = false; var clientState = Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'get_ClientState'); if (clientState != null && clientState != "") { hasInitialFocus = (clientState === "Focused"); Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'set_ClientState', null); } if(hasInitialFocus) { this._handleFocus(); } }, _checkIfSorted : function(options) { /// /// Checks to see if the list is sorted to see if we can do the fast binary search or the slower linear search /// /// /// Collections of options in a SELECT /// if (this._isSorted) { return true; } else { var previousOptionValue = null; var optionsLength = options.length; for(var index = 0; index < optionsLength; index++) { var optionValue = options[index].text.toLowerCase(); if(previousOptionValue && this._compareStrings(optionValue, previousOptionValue) < 0) { return false; } previousOptionValue = optionValue; } return true; } }, _onFocus : function(e) { /// /// Handler for the Select's focus event /// /// /// Event info /// this._handleFocus(); }, _handleFocus : function() { /// /// Utility method called when the form is loaded if the Select has the default focus, or when it is explicitly focused /// var element = this.get_element(); this._focusIndex = element.selectedIndex; if(!this._promptDiv) { this._promptDiv = document.createElement('div'); this._promptDiv.id = element.id + '_promptDiv'; this._promptDiv.innerHTML = this._promptText && this._promptText.length > 0 ? this._promptText : Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.ListSearch_DefaultPrompt; this._showingPromptText = true; if(this._promptCssClass) { this._promptDiv.className = this._promptCssClass; } element.parentNode.insertBefore(this._promptDiv, element.nextSibling); this._promptDiv.style.overflow = 'hidden'; this._promptDiv.style.height = this._promptDiv.offsetHeight + 'px'; this._promptDiv.style.width = element.offsetWidth + 'px'; } if(!this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior = $create(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupBehavior, { parentElement : element }, {}, {}, this._promptDiv); } if (this._promptPosition && this._promptPosition == Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchPromptPosition.Bottom) { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(Sys.Extended.UI.PositioningMode.BottomLeft); } else { this._popupBehavior.set_positioningMode(Sys.Extended.UI.PositioningMode.TopLeft); } if (this._onShowJson) { this._popupBehavior.set_onShow(this._onShowJson); } if (this._onHideJson) { this._popupBehavior.set_onHide(this._onHideJson); } this._popupBehavior.show(); this._updatePromptDiv(this._promptText); }, _onBlur : function() { /// /// Handle the Select's blur event /// this._disposePopupBehavior(); var promptDiv = this._promptDiv; var element = this.get_element(); if(promptDiv) { this._promptDiv = null; promptDiv.parentNode.removeChild(promptDiv); } if(!this._raiseImmediateOnChange && this._focusIndex != element.selectedIndex) { this._raiseOnChange(element); } }, _disposePopupBehavior : function() { /// /// Utilty function to dispose of the popup behavior, called when the Select loses focus or when the extender is being disposed /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.dispose(); this._popupBehavior = null; } }, _onKeyDown : function(e) { /// /// Handler for the Select's KeyDown event /// /// /// Event info /// var element = this.get_element(); var promptDiv = this._promptDiv; if(!element || !promptDiv) { return; } this._originalIndex = element.selectedIndex; if(this._showingPromptText) { promptDiv.innerHTML = ''; this._searchText = ''; this._showingPromptText = false; this._binarySearch = this._checkIfSorted(element.options); // Delayed until required } if(e.keyCode == Sys.UI.Key.backspace) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._removeCharacterFromPromptDiv(); this._searchForTypedText(element); if(!this._searchText || this._searchText.length == 0) { this._stopTimer(); } } else if(e.keyCode == Sys.UI.Key.esc) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); promptDiv.innerHTML = ''; this._searchText = ''; this._searchForTypedText(element); this._stopTimer(); } else if(e.keyCode == Sys.UI.Key.enter && !this._raiseImmediateOnChange && this._focusIndex != element.selectedIndex) { this._focusIndex = element.selectedIndex; // So that OnChange is not fired again when the list loses focus this._raiseOnChange(element); } }, _onKeyUp : function(e) { /// /// Handler for the Select's KeyUp event. We need this because Firefox shifts the selected option even though /// we preventDefault and preventPropagation in _onKeyPress /// /// /// Event info /// var element = this.get_element(); var promptDiv = this._promptDiv; if(!element || !promptDiv) { return; } if(this._newIndex == -1 || !element || !promptDiv || promptDiv.innerHTML == '') { this._newIndex = -1; return; } element.selectedIndex = this._newIndex; this._newIndex = -1; }, _onKeyPress : function(e) { /// /// Handler for the Select's KeyPress event. /// /// /// Event info /// var element = this.get_element(); var promptDiv = this._promptDiv; if(!element || !promptDiv) { return; } if(!this._isNormalChar(e)) { if(e.charCode == Sys.UI.Key.backspace) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if(this._searchText && this._searchText.length == 0) { this._stopTimer(); } } return; } e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this._addCharacterToPromptDiv(e.charCode); this._searchForTypedText(element); this._stopTimer(); if(this._searchText && this._searchText.length != 0) { this._startTimer(); } }, _isNormalChar : function(e) { /// /// Returns true if the specified charCode is a key rather than a normal (displayable) character /// /// /// Event info /// /// if (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Firefox && e.rawEvent.keyCode) { return false; } if (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Opera && e.rawEvent.which == 0) { return false; } if (e.charCode && (e.charCode < Sys.UI.Key.space || e.charCode > 6000)) { return false; } return true; }, _updatePromptDiv : function(newText) { /// /// Updates the text in the promptDiv. /// /// /// The new text to be displayed in the promptDiv. Optional. If not specified then uses the _searchText member. /// /// var promptDiv = this._promptDiv; if(!promptDiv || !this.get_element()) { return; } var text = typeof(newText) === 'undefined' ? this._searchText : newText; var textNode = promptDiv.firstChild; if(!textNode) { textNode = document.createTextNode(text); promptDiv.appendChild(textNode); } else { textNode.nodeValue = text; } if(promptDiv.scrollWidth <= promptDiv.offsetWidth && promptDiv.scrollHeight <= promptDiv.offsetHeight) { return; // Already fit } for(var maxFit = text.length - 1; maxFit > 0 && (promptDiv.scrollWidth > promptDiv.offsetWidth || promptDiv.scrollHeight > promptDiv.offsetHeight); maxFit--) { textNode.nodeValue = this._ellipsis + text.substring(text.length - maxFit, text.length); } }, _addCharacterToPromptDiv : function (charCode) { /// /// Adds the specified character to the promptDiv. /// /// /// The charCode of the character to be added /// this._searchText += String.fromCharCode(charCode); this._updatePromptDiv(); }, _removeCharacterFromPromptDiv : function () { /// /// Removes a character from the end of the promptDiv. /// if(this._searchText && this._searchText != '') { this._searchText = this._searchText.substring(0, this._searchText.length - 1); this._updatePromptDiv(); } }, _searchForTypedText : function(element) { /// /// Searches for the text typed so far in the Select /// /// /// Select associated with the behavior /// var searchText = this._searchText; var options = element.options; var text = searchText ? searchText.toLowerCase() : ""; this._matchFound = false; if(text.length == 0) { // Probably hit delete -- select the first option if(options.length > 0) { element.selectedIndex = 0; this._newIndex = 0; } } else { var selectedIndex = -1; if(this._binarySearch && (this._queryPattern == Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern.StartsWith)) { selectedIndex = this._doBinarySearch(options, text, 0, options.length - 1); } else { selectedIndex = this._doLinearSearch(options, text, 0, options.length - 1); } if(selectedIndex == -1) { this._newIndex = this._originalIndex; } else { // Otherwise move to the new option element.selectedIndex = selectedIndex; this._newIndex = selectedIndex; this._matchFound = true; } } if(this._raiseImmediateOnChange && this._originalIndex != element.selectedIndex) { this._raiseOnChange(element); } }, _raiseOnChange : function(element) { /// /// Fires a OnChange event /// /// /// Select associated with the behavior /// if (document.createEvent) { var onchangeEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); onchangeEvent.initEvent('change', true, false); element.dispatchEvent(onchangeEvent); } else if( document.createEventObject ) { element.fireEvent('onchange'); } }, _compareStrings : function(strA, strB) { /// /// Compare two strings /// /// /// The first string /// /// /// The second string /// /// /// 0 if equal, -1 if strA < strB, 1 otherwise /// return ((strA == strB) ? 0 : ((strA < strB) ? -1 : 1)) }, _doBinarySearch : function(options, value, left, right) { /// /// Does a binary search for a value in the Select's options /// /// /// The collection of options in the Select /// /// /// The value being searched for /// /// /// The left bounds of the search /// /// /// The right bounds of the search /// while (left <= right) { var mid = Math.floor((left+right)/2); var option = options[mid].text.toLowerCase().substring(0, value.length); var compareResult = this._compareStrings(value, option); if (compareResult > 0) { left = mid+1 } else if(compareResult < 0) { right = mid-1; } else { while(mid > 0 && options[mid - 1].text.toLowerCase().startsWith(value)) { mid--; } return mid; } } return -1; }, _doLinearSearch : function(options, value, left, right) { /// /// Does a linear search for a value in the Select's options /// /// /// The collection of options in the Select /// /// /// The value being searched for /// /// /// The left bounds of the search /// /// /// The right bounds of the search /// if (this._queryPattern == Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern.Contains) { for(var i = left; i <= right; i++) { if(options[i].text.toLowerCase().indexOf(value) >= 0) { return i; } } } else if (this._queryPattern == Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern.StartsWith) { for(var i = left; i <= right; i++) { if(options[i].text.toLowerCase().startsWith(value)) { return i; } } } return -1; }, _onTimerTick : function() { /// /// On timer tick since user is not responsive, so reset search text if no match is found. /// this._stopTimer(); if (!this._matchFound) { this._searchText = ''; this._updatePromptDiv(); } }, _startTimer : function() { /// /// Starts timer to monitor user interaction only if greater than zero. /// if (this._queryTimeout > 0) { this._timer = window.setTimeout(Function.createDelegate(this, this._onTimerTick), this._queryTimeout); } }, _stopTimer : function() { /// /// Stops and clears previously created timer. /// if(this._timer != null) { window.clearTimeout(this._timer); } this._timer = null; }, get_onShow : function() { /// /// Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onShow() : this._onShowJson; }, set_onShow : function(value) { if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.set_onShow(value) } else { this._onShowJson = value; } this.raisePropertyChanged('onShow'); }, get_onShowBehavior : function() { /// /// Generic OnShow Animation's behavior /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onShowBehavior() : null; }, onShow : function() { /// /// Play the OnShow animation /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.onShow(); } }, get_onHide : function() { /// /// Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onHide() : this._onHideJson; }, set_onHide : function(value) { if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.set_onHide(value) } else { this._onHideJson = value; } this.raisePropertyChanged('onHide'); }, get_onHideBehavior : function() { /// /// Generic OnHide Animation's behavior /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onHideBehavior() : null; }, onHide : function() { /// /// Play the OnHide animation /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.onHide(); } }, get_promptText : function() { /// /// The prompt text displayed when user clicks the list /// /// return this._promptText; }, set_promptText : function(value) { if (this._promptText != value) { this._promptText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('promptText'); } }, get_promptCssClass : function() { /// /// CSS class applied to prompt when user clicks list. /// /// return this._promptCssClass; }, set_promptCssClass : function(value) { if (this._promptCssClass != value) { this._promptCssClass = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('promptCssClass'); } }, get_promptPosition : function() { /// /// Where the prompt should be positioned relative to the target control. /// Can be Top (default) or Bottom /// return this._promptPosition; }, set_promptPosition : function(value) { if (this._promptPosition != value) { this._promptPosition = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('promptPosition'); } }, get_raiseImmediateOnChange : function() { /// /// Boolean indicating whether an OnChange event should be fired as soon as the selected element /// is changed, or only when the list loses focus or the user hits enter. /// /// return this._raiseImmediateOnChange; }, set_raiseImmediateOnChange : function(value) { if (this._raiseImmediateOnChange != value) { this._raiseImmediateOnChange = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('raiseImmediateOnChange'); } }, get_queryTimeout : function() { /// /// Value indicating timeout in milliseconds after which search query will be cleared. /// Zero means no auto reset at all. /// /// return this._queryTimeout; }, set_queryTimeout : function(value) { if (this._queryTimeout != value) { this._queryTimeout = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('queryTimeout'); } }, get_isSorted : function() { /// /// When setting this to true, we instruct search routines that /// all values in List are already sorted on population, /// so binary search can be used if on StartsWith criteria is set. /// return this._isSorted; }, set_isSorted : function(value) { if (this._isSorted != value) { this._isSorted = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('isSorted'); } }, get_queryPattern : function() { /// /// Search query pattern to be used to find items. /// Can be StartsWith (default) or Contains /// return this._queryPattern; }, set_queryPattern : function(value) { if (this._queryPattern != value) { this._queryPattern = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('queryPattern'); } } } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchBehavior, { name: "listSearch" }); Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchPromptPosition = function() { throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchPromptPosition.prototype = { Top: 0, Bottom: 1 } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchPromptPosition.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchPromptPosition'); Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern = function() { /// /// Choose what query pattern to use to search for matching words. /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern.prototype = { StartsWith: 0, Contains: 1 } Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern.registerEnum('Sys.Extended.UI.ListSearchQueryPattern'); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedPopupBehavior"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();