// Name: PopupControl.PopupControlBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// /// /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedPopupBehavior"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior = function(element) { /// /// The PopupControlBehavior opens a popup window next to the target element /// /// /// DOM element associated with the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._popupControlID = null; this._commitProperty = null; this._commitScript = null; this._position = null; this._offsetX = 0; this._offsetY = 0; this._extenderControlID = null; this._popupElement = null; this._popupBehavior = null; this._popupVisible = false; this._focusHandler = null; this._popupKeyDownHandler = null; this._popupClickHandler = null; this._bodyClickHandler = null; this._onShowJson = null; this._onHideJson = null; }; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.prototype = { initialize : function() { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); var e = this.get_element(); this._popupElement = $get(this._popupControlID); this._popupBehavior = $create(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupBehavior, { 'id':this.get_id()+'PopupBehavior', 'parentElement':e }, null, null, this._popupElement); if (this._onShowJson) { this._popupBehavior.set_onShow(this._onShowJson); } if (this._onHideJson) { this._popupBehavior.set_onHide(this._onHideJson); } this._focusHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onFocus); this._popupClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onPopupClick); this._bodyClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onBodyClick); this._popupKeyDownHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onPopupKeyDown); $addHandler(e, 'focus', this._focusHandler); $addHandler(e, 'click', this._focusHandler); // So that a dismissed popup can be more easily re-popped $addHandler(document.body, 'click', this._bodyClickHandler); $addHandler(this._popupElement, 'click', this._popupClickHandler); $addHandler(this._popupElement, 'keydown', this._popupKeyDownHandler); this.registerPartialUpdateEvents(); if(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup && (this.get_id() == Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup.get_id())) { this._onFocus(null); } }, dispose : function() { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// var e = this.get_element(); this._onShowJson = null; this._onHideJson = null; if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.dispose(); this._popupBehavior = null; } if (this._focusHandler) { $removeHandler(e, 'focus', this._focusHandler); $removeHandler(e, 'click', this._focusHandler); this._focusHandler = null; } if (this._bodyClickHandler) { $removeHandler(document.body, 'click', this._bodyClickHandler); this._bodyClickHandler = null; } if (this._popupClickHandler) { $removeHandler(this._popupElement, 'click', this._popupClickHandler); this._popupClickHandler = null; } if (this._popupKeyDownHandler) { $removeHandler(this._popupElement, 'keydown', this._popupKeyDownHandler); this._popupKeyDownHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, showPopup : function() { /// /// Display the popup /// var old = Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup; if (old && old._popupBehavior) { old.hidePopup(); } Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'populate'); this._popupBehavior.set_x(this._getLeftOffset()); this._popupBehavior.set_y(this._getTopOffset()); this._popupBehavior.show(); this._popupVisible = true; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup = this; }, hidePopup : function() { /// /// Hide the popup /// this._popupBehavior.hide(); this._popupVisible = false; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup = null; }, _onFocus : function(e) { /// /// Show the popup when its control is focused /// /// /// Event info /// if (!this._popupVisible) { this.showPopup(); } if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } }, _onPopupKeyDown : function(e) { /// /// Handle key presses in the popup element /// /// /// Event info /// if (this._popupVisible && e.keyCode == 27 /* Escape */) { this.get_element().focus(); } }, _onPopupClick : function(e) { /// /// Click handler for the popup /// /// /// Event info /// e.stopPropagation(); }, _onBodyClick : function() { /// /// Handler for the HTML body tag's click event /// if (this._popupVisible) { this.hidePopup(); } }, _close : function(result) { /// /// Close the popup /// /// /// Result obtained from committing the popup /// var e = this.get_element(); if (null != result) { if ('$$CANCEL$$' != result) { if (this._commitProperty) { e[this._commitProperty] = result; } else if ('text' == e.type) { e.value = result; } else { Sys.Debug.assert(false, String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.PopupControl_NoDefaultProperty, e.id, e.type)); } if (this._commitScript) { eval(this._commitScript); } } this.hidePopup(); } }, _partialUpdateEndRequest : function(sender, endRequestEventArgs) { /// /// Handler for UpdatePanel partial postback notifications /// /// /// Sender /// /// /// Event arguments /// Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, '_partialUpdateEndRequest', [sender, endRequestEventArgs]); if (this.get_element()) { var result = endRequestEventArgs.get_dataItems()[this.get_element().id]; if ((undefined === result) && Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup && (this.get_id() == Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup.get_id())) { result = endRequestEventArgs.get_dataItems()["_PopupControl_Proxy_ID_"]; } if (undefined !== result) { this._close(result); } } }, _onPopulated : function(sender, eventArgs) { /// /// Handler for DynamicPopulate completion /// /// /// Sender /// /// /// Event arguments /// Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, '_onPopulated', [sender, eventArgs]); if (this._popupVisible) { this._popupBehavior.show(); } }, _getLeftOffset : function() { /// /// Get the left offset for the popup /// /// /// Left offset for the popup /// if (Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition.Left == this._position) { return (-1 * this.get_element().offsetWidth) + this._offsetX; } else if (Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition.Right == this._position) { return this.get_element().offsetWidth + this._offsetX; } else { return this._offsetX; } }, _getTopOffset : function() { /// /// Get the top offset for the popup /// /// /// Top offset for the popup /// var yoffSet; if(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition.Top == this._position) { yoffSet = (-1 * this.get_element().offsetHeight) + this._offsetY; } else if (Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition.Bottom == this._position) { yoffSet = this.get_element().offsetHeight + this._offsetY; } else { yoffSet = this._offsetY; } return yoffSet; }, get_onShow : function() { /// /// Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onShow() : this._onShowJson; }, set_onShow : function(value) { if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.set_onShow(value); } else { this._onShowJson = value; } this.raisePropertyChanged('onShow'); }, get_onShowBehavior : function() { /// /// Generic OnShow Animation's behavior /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onShowBehavior() : null; }, onShow : function() { /// /// Play the OnShow animation /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.onShow(); } }, get_onHide : function() { /// /// Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onHide() : this._onHideJson; }, set_onHide : function(value) { if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.set_onHide(value); } else { this._onHideJson = value; } this.raisePropertyChanged('onHide'); }, get_onHideBehavior : function() { /// /// Generic OnHide Animation's behavior /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onHideBehavior() : null; }, onHide : function() { /// /// Play the OnHide animation /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.onHide(); } }, get_PopupControlID : function() { /// /// The ID of the control to display /// return this._popupControlID; }, set_PopupControlID : function(value) { if (this._popupControlID != value) { this._popupControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('PopupControlID'); } }, get_CommitProperty : function() { /// /// The property on the control being extended that should be set with the result of the popup /// return this._commitProperty; }, set_CommitProperty : function(value) { if (this._commitProperty != value) { this._commitProperty = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CommitProperty'); } }, get_CommitScript : function() { /// /// Additional script to run after setting the result of the popup /// return this._commitScript; }, set_CommitScript : function(value) { if (this._commitScript != value) { this._commitScript = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CommitScript'); } }, get_Position : function() { /// /// Where the popup should be positioned relative to the target control. (Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Center) /// return this._position; }, set_Position : function(value) { if (this._position != value) { this._position = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Position'); } }, get_ExtenderControlID : function() { /// /// ID of the extender control /// return this._extenderControlID; }, set_ExtenderControlID : function(value) { if (this._extenderControlID != value) { this._extenderControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ExtenderControlID'); } }, get_OffsetX : function() { /// /// The number of pixels to horizontally offset the Popup from its default position /// return this._offsetX; }, set_OffsetX : function(value) { if (this._offsetX != value) { this._offsetX = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('OffsetX'); } }, get_OffsetY : function() { /// /// The number of pixels to vertically offset the Popup from its default position /// return this._offsetY; }, set_OffsetY : function(value) { if (this._offsetY != value) { this._offsetY = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('OffsetY'); } }, get_PopupVisible : function() { /// /// Whether the popup control is currently visible /// return this._popupVisible; }, add_showing : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the showing event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_showing(handler); } }, remove_showing : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the showing event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_showing(handler); } }, raiseShowing : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the showing event /// /// /// Event arguments for the showing event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseShowing(eventArgs); } }, add_shown : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the shown event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_shown(handler); } }, remove_shown : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the shown event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_shown(handler); } }, raiseShown : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the shown event /// /// /// Event arguments for the shown event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseShown(eventArgs); } }, add_hiding : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the hiding event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_hiding(handler); } }, remove_hiding : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the hiding event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_hiding(handler); } }, raiseHiding : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the hiding event /// /// /// Event arguments for the hiding event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseHiding(eventArgs); } }, add_hidden : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the hidden event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_hidden(handler); } }, remove_hidden : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the hidden event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_hidden(handler); } }, raiseHidden : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the hidden event /// /// /// Event arguments for the hidden event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseHidden(eventArgs); } } }; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior, { name: "popupBehavior" }); Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup = null; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition = function() { /// /// Position of the popup relative to the target control /// /// /// /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); }; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition.prototype = { Center : 0, Top : 1, Left : 2, Bottom : 3, Right : 4 }; Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.PopupControlPopupPosition", false); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedDynamicPopulate", "ExtendedPopup", "ExtendedAnimationBehavior"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();