// Name: CollapsiblePanel.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// /// (function() { var scriptName = "ExtendedCollapsiblePanel"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace('Sys.Extended.UI'); Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection = function() { /// /// The CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection enumeration describes whether the panel is opened vertically or horizontally /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.prototype = { Horizontal : 0, Vertical: 1 } Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection", false); Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior = function(element) { /// /// The CollapsiblePanelBehavior allows you to add collapsible sections to your page /// /// /// Element to associate the behavior with /// Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._collapsedSize = 0; this._expandedSize = 0; this._scrollContents = null; this._collapsed = false; this._expandControlID = null; this._collapseControlID = null; this._textLabelID = null; this._collapsedText = null; this._expandedText = null; this._imageControlID = null; this._expandedImage = null; this._collapsedImage = null; this._suppressPostBack = null; this._autoExpand = null; this._autoCollapse = null; this._expandDirection = Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical; this._collapseClickHandler = null; this._expandClickHandler = null; this._panelMouseEnterHandler = null; this._panelMouseLeaveHandler = null; this._childDiv = null; this._animation = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.prototype = { initialize : function() { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'initialize'); var element = this.get_element(); this._animation = new Sys.Extended.UI.Animation.LengthAnimation(element, .25, 10, 'style', null, 0, 0, 'px'); if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { this._animation.set_propertyKey('height'); } else if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Horizontal) { this._animation.set_propertyKey('width'); } this._animation.add_ended(Function.createDelegate(this, this._onAnimateComplete)); if (this._suppressPostBack == null) { if (element.tagName == "INPUT" && element.type == "checkbox") { this._suppressPostBack = false; this.raisePropertyChanged('SuppressPostBack'); } else if (element.tagName == "A") { this._suppressPostBack = true; this.raisePropertyChanged('SuppressPostBack'); } } var lastState = Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'get_ClientState'); if (lastState && lastState != "") { var wasCollapsed = Boolean.parse(lastState); if (this._collapsed != wasCollapsed) { this._collapsed = wasCollapsed; this.raisePropertyChanged('Collapsed'); } } this._setupChildDiv(); if (this._collapsed) { this._setTargetSize(this._getCollapsedSize()); } else { this._setTargetSize(this._getExpandedSize()); } this._setupState(this._collapsed); if (this._collapseControlID == this._expandControlID) { this._collapseClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this.togglePanel); this._expandClickHandler = null; // we don't need both if we're toggling. } else { this._collapseClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this.collapsePanel); this._expandClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this.expandPanel); } if (this._autoExpand) { this._panelMouseEnterHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseEnter); $addHandler(element, 'mouseover', this._panelMouseEnterHandler); } if (this._autoCollapse) { this._panelMouseLeaveHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseLeave); $addHandler(element, 'mouseout', this._panelMouseLeaveHandler); } if (this._collapseControlID) { var collapseElement = $get(this._collapseControlID); if (!collapseElement) { throw Error.argument('CollapseControlID', String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.CollapsiblePanel_NoControlID, this._collapseControlID)); } else { $addHandler(collapseElement, 'click', this._collapseClickHandler); } } if (this._expandControlID) { if (this._expandClickHandler) { // if it's a toggle don't set up again var expandElement = $get(this._expandControlID); if (!expandElement) { throw Error.argument('ExpandControlID', String.format(Sys.Extended.UI.Resources.CollapsiblePanel_NoControlID, this._expandControlID)); } else { $addHandler(expandElement, 'click', this._expandClickHandler); } } } }, dispose : function() { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// var element = this.get_element(); if (this._collapseClickHandler) { var collapseElement = (this._collapseControlID ? $get(this._collapseControlID) : null); if (collapseElement) { $removeHandler(collapseElement, 'click', this._collapseClickHandler); } this._collapseClickHandler = null; } if (this._expandClickHandler) { var expandElement = (this._expandControlID ? $get(this._expandControlID) : null); if (expandElement) { $removeHandler(expandElement, 'click', this._expandClickHandler); } this._expandClickHandler = null; } if (this._panelMouseEnterHandler) { $removeHandler(element, 'mouseover', this._panelMouseEnterHandler); } if (this._panelMouseLeaveHandler) { $removeHandler(element, 'mouseout', this._panelMouseLeaveHandler); } if (this._animation) { this._animation.dispose(); this._animation = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'dispose'); }, togglePanel : function(eventObj) { /// /// Event handler to epxand or collapse the panel (based on its current state) /// This is the public function that should be called instead of _toggle if /// you wish to programmatically open and close the collapsible panel. /// /// /// Event Info /// this._toggle(eventObj); }, expandPanel : function(eventObj) { /// /// Open the panel. Public function that users should call if they /// wish to operate the collapsible panel programmatically. /// _doOpen should be treated as private since it has an underscore /// to begin the function name. /// /// /// Event Info /// this._doOpen(eventObj); }, collapsePanel : function(eventObj) { /// /// Collapse the panel. Public function that users should call if they /// wish to operate the collapsible panel programmatically. /// _doClose should be treated as private since it has an underscore /// to begin the function name. /// /// /// Event Info /// this._doClose(eventObj); }, _checkCollapseHide : function() { /// /// Check if a control is collapsed and hidden /// (and set its display to none if it is supposed to be hidden) /// /// /// Whether the control is collapsed and hidden /// if (this._collapsed && this._getTargetSize() == 0) { var e = this.get_element(); var display = $common.getCurrentStyle(e, 'display'); if (!e.oldDisplay && display != "none") { e.oldDisplay = display; e.style.display = "none"; } return true; } return false; }, _doClose : function(eventObj) { /// /// Collapse the panel. Internal function, to close call "collapsePanel". /// /// /// Event Info /// var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs(); this.raiseCollapsing(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) { return; } if (this._animation) { this._animation.stop(); this._animation.set_startValue(this._getTargetSize()); this._animation.set_endValue(this._getCollapsedSize()); this._animation.play(); } this._setupState(true); if (this._suppressPostBack) { if (eventObj && eventObj.preventDefault) { eventObj.preventDefault(); } else { if (eventObj) { eventObj.returnValue = false; } return false; } } }, _doOpen : function(eventObj) { /// /// Expand the Panel. Internal function, to close call "expandPanel". /// /// /// Event Info /// var eventArgs = new Sys.CancelEventArgs(); this.raiseExpanding(eventArgs); if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) { return; } if (this._animation) { this._animation.stop(); var e = this.get_element(); if (this._checkCollapseHide() && $common.getCurrentStyle(e, 'display', e.style.display)) { if (e.oldDisplay) { e.style.display = e.oldDisplay; } else { if (e.style.removeAttribute) { e.style.removeAttribute("display"); } else { e.style.removeProperty("display"); } } e.oldDisplay = null; } this._animation.set_startValue(this._getTargetSize()); this._animation.set_endValue(this._getExpandedSize()); this._animation.play(); } this._setupState(false); if (this._suppressPostBack) { if (eventObj && eventObj.preventDefault) { eventObj.preventDefault(); } else { if (eventObj) { eventObj.returnValue = false; } return false; } } }, _onAnimateComplete : function() { /// /// Handler to listen for the end of the expand/collapse animation /// var e = this.get_element(); if (!this._collapsed && !this._expandedSize) { if(this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { if(this._childDiv.offsetHeight <= e.offsetHeight) { e.style.height = "auto"; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetHeight'); } else { this._checkCollapseHide(); } } else // horizontal { if( this._childDiv.offsetWidth <= e.offsetWidth) { e.style.width = "auto"; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetWidth'); } else { this._checkCollapseHide(); } } } else { this._checkCollapseHide(); } if (this._collapsed) { this.raiseCollapseComplete(); this.raiseCollapsed(Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } else { this.raiseExpandComplete() this.raiseExpanded(new Sys.EventArgs()); } }, _onMouseEnter : function(eventObj) { /// /// OnMouseOver Handler /// /// /// Event Info /// if (this._autoExpand) { this.expandPanel(eventObj); } }, _onMouseLeave : function(eventObj) { /// /// OnMouseOut Handler /// /// /// Event Info /// if (this._autoCollapse) { this.collapsePanel(eventObj); } }, _getExpandedSize : function() { /// /// Get the size of the panel when fully expanded /// /// /// Size of the panel when fully expanded /// if (this._expandedSize) { return this._expandedSize; } if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { return this._childDiv.offsetHeight; } else if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Horizontal) { return this._childDiv.offsetWidth; } }, _getCollapsedSize : function() { /// /// Get the size of the panel when fully collapsed /// /// /// Size of the panel when fully collapsed /// if (this._collapsedSize) { return this._collapsedSize; } return 0; }, _getTargetSize : function() { /// /// Get the target size of the Panel /// /// /// Target size of the Panel /// var value; if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { value = this.get_TargetHeight(); } else if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Horizontal) { value = this.get_TargetWidth(); } if (value === undefined) { value = 0; } return value; }, _setTargetSize : function(value) { /// /// Set the target size of the panel /// /// /// Target size of the panel /// var useSize = this._collapsed || this._expandedSize; var e = this.get_element(); if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { if (useSize || value < e.offsetHeight) { this.set_TargetHeight(value); } else { e.style.height = "auto"; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetHeight'); } } else if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Horizontal) { if (useSize || value < e.offsetWidth) { this.set_TargetWidth(value); } else { e.style.width = "auto"; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetWidth'); } } this._checkCollapseHide(); }, _setupChildDiv : function() { /// /// Set up a child div to host our panel contents /// and then push the panel's children into it. /// var startSize = this._getTargetSize(); var e = this.get_element(); this._childDiv = e.cloneNode(false); e.id = ''; this._childDiv.style.visibility = 'visible'; this._childDiv.style.display = ''; while (e.hasChildNodes()) { var child = e.childNodes[0]; child = e.removeChild(child); this._childDiv.appendChild(child); } e.setAttribute('style', ''); e.className = ''; e.style.border = '0px'; e.style.margin = '0px'; e.style.padding = '0px'; if (this._scrollContents) { if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { e.style.overflowY = "scroll"; this._childDiv.style.overflowY = ""; } else { e.style.overflowX = "scroll"; this._childDiv.style.overflowX = ""; } if (Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Safari || Sys.Browser.agent == Sys.Browser.Opera) { e.style.overflow = "scroll"; this._childDiv.style.overflow = ""; } } else { if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { e.style.overflowY = "hidden"; this._childDiv.style.overflowY = ""; } else { e.style.overflowX = "hidden"; this._childDiv.style.overflowX = ""; } if (Sys.Browser.Agent == Sys.Browser.Safari || Sys.Browser.Agent == Sys.Browser.Opera) { e.style.overflow = "hidden"; this._childDiv.style.overflow = ""; } } this._childDiv.style.position = ""; if (startSize == this._collapsedSize) { if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { this._childDiv.style.height = "auto"; } else if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Horizontal) { this._childDiv.style.width = "auto"; } } e.appendChild(this._childDiv); e.style.visibility = 'visible'; e.style.display = ''; if (this._collapsed) { startSize = this._getCollapsedSize(); } else { startSize = this._getExpandedSize(); } if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical) { e.style.height = startSize + "px"; if (!this._expandedSize) { e.style.height = "auto"; } else { e.style.height = this._expandedSize + "px"; } this._childDiv.style.height = "auto"; } else if (this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Horizontal) { e.style.width = startSize + "px"; if (!this._expandedSize) { e.style.width = "auto"; } else { e.style.width = this._expandedSize + "px"; } this._childDiv.style.width = "auto"; } }, _setupState : function(isCollapsed) { /// /// Get all the state set consistently when we change modes /// /// /// True to setup the state as if we're collapsed, false to setup the state as if we're expanded /// if (isCollapsed) { if (this._textLabelID && this._collapsedText) { var e = $get(this._textLabelID); if (e) { e.innerHTML = this._collapsedText; } } if (this._imageControlID && this._collapsedImage) { var i = $get(this._imageControlID); if (i && i.src) { i.src = this._collapsedImage; if (this._expandedText || this._collapsedText) { i.title = this._collapsedText; } } } } else { if (this._textLabelID && this._expandedText) { var e = $get(this._textLabelID); if (e) { e.innerHTML = this._expandedText; } } if (this._imageControlID && this._expandedImage) { var i = $get(this._imageControlID); if (i && i.src) { i.src = this._expandedImage; if (this._expandedText || this._collapsedText) { i.title = this._expandedText; } } } } if (this._collapsed != isCollapsed) { this._collapsed = isCollapsed; this.raisePropertyChanged('Collapsed'); } Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, 'set_ClientState', [this._collapsed.toString()]); }, _toggle : function(eventObj) { /// /// Event handler to epxand or collapse the panel (based on its current state) /// Internal function. Please use "togglePanel(eventObj)" to get same functionality. /// /// /// Event Info /// if (this.get_Collapsed()) { return this.expandPanel(eventObj); } else { return this.collapsePanel(eventObj); } }, add_collapsing : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the collapsing event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('collapsing', handler); }, remove_collapsing : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the collapsing event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('collapsing', handler); }, raiseCollapsing : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the collapsing event /// /// /// Event arguments for the collapsing event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('collapsing'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_collapsed : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the collapsed event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('collapsed', handler); }, remove_collapsed : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the collapsed event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('collapsed', handler); }, raiseCollapsed : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the collapsed event /// /// /// Event arguments for the collapsed event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('collapsed'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_collapseComplete : function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the collapseComplete event /// /// /// Handler /// /// Use the collapsed event instead this.get_events().addHandler('collapseComplete', handler); }, remove_collapseComplete : function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the collapseComplete event /// /// /// Handler /// /// Use the collapsed event instead this.get_events().removeHandler('collapseComplete', handler); }, raiseCollapseComplete : function() { /// /// Raise the collapseComplete event /// /// Use the collapsed event instead var handlers = this.get_events().getHandler('collapseComplete'); if (handlers) { handlers(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, add_expanding : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the expanding event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('expanding', handler); }, remove_expanding : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the expanding event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('expanding', handler); }, raiseExpanding : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the expanding event /// /// /// Event arguments for the expanding event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('expanding'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_expanded : function(handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the expanded event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().addHandler('expanded', handler); }, remove_expanded : function(handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the expanded event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// this.get_events().removeHandler('expanded', handler); }, raiseExpanded : function(eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the expanded event /// /// /// Event arguments for the expanded event /// /// var handler = this.get_events().getHandler('expanded'); if (handler) { handler(this, eventArgs); } }, add_expandComplete : function(handler) { /// /// Add a handler to the expandComplete event /// /// /// Handler /// /// Use the expanded event instead this.get_events().addHandler('expandComplete', handler); }, remove_expandComplete : function(handler) { /// /// Remove a handler from the expandComplete event /// /// /// Handler /// /// Use the expanded event instead this.get_events().removeHandler('expandComplete', handler); }, raiseExpandComplete : function() { /// /// Raise the expandComplete event /// /// Use the expanded event instead var handlers = this.get_events().getHandler('expandComplete'); if (handlers) { handlers(this, Sys.EventArgs.Empty); } }, get_TargetHeight : function() { /// /// Wrap the height of the panel /// return this.get_element().offsetHeight; }, set_TargetHeight : function(value) { this.get_element().style.height = value + "px"; this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetHeight'); }, get_TargetWidth : function() { /// /// Wrap the width of the panel /// return this.get_element().offsetWidth; }, set_TargetWidth : function(value) { this.get_element().style.width = value + "px" this.raisePropertyChanged('TargetWidth'); }, get_Collapsed : function() { /// /// Whether or not the panel is collapsed /// return this._collapsed; }, set_Collapsed : function(value) { if (this.get_isInitialized() && this.get_element() && value != this.get_Collapsed()) { this.togglePanel(); } else { this._collapsed = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('Collapsed'); } }, get_CollapsedSize : function() { /// /// The size of the target, in pixels, when it is in the collapsed state /// return this._collapsedSize; }, set_CollapsedSize : function(value) { if (this._collapsedSize != value) { this._collapsedSize = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CollapsedSize'); } }, get_ExpandedSize : function() { /// /// The size of the target, in pixels, when it is in the expanded state /// return this._expandedSize; }, set_ExpandedSize : function(value) { if (this._expandedSize != value) { this._expandedSize = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ExpandedSize'); } }, get_CollapseControlID : function() { /// /// ID of the control used to collapse the target when clicked /// return this._collapseControlID; }, set_CollapseControlID : function(value) { if (this._collapseControlID != value) { this._collapseControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CollapseControlID'); } }, get_ExpandControlID : function() { /// /// ID of the control used to expand the target when clicked /// return this._expandControlID; }, set_ExpandControlID : function(value) { if (this._expandControlID != value) { this._expandControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ExpandControlID'); } }, get_ScrollContents : function() { /// /// Whether to add a scrollbar when the contents are larger than the target (the contents will be clipped if false) /// return this._scrollContents; }, set_ScrollContents : function(value) { if (this._scrollContents != value) { this._scrollContents = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ScrollContents'); } }, get_SuppressPostBack : function() { /// /// Whether or not to suppress postbacks generated when the CollapseControlID or ExpandControlID elements are clicked /// return this._suppressPostBack; }, set_SuppressPostBack : function(value) { if (this._suppressPostBack != value) { this._suppressPostBack = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('SuppressPostBack'); } }, get_TextLabelID : function() { /// /// ID of the element where the "status text" for the target will be placed /// return this._textLabelID; }, set_TextLabelID : function(value) { if (this._textLabelID != value) { this._textLabelID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('TextLabelID'); } }, get_ExpandedText : function() { /// /// Text to show in the element specified by TextLabelID when the target is expanded. This text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID has been provided. /// return this._expandedText; }, set_ExpandedText : function(value) { if (this._expandedText != value) { this._expandedText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ExpandedText'); } }, get_CollapsedText : function() { /// /// Text to show in the element specified by TextLabelID when the target is collapsed. This text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID has been provided. /// return this._collapsedText; }, set_CollapsedText : function(value) { if (this._collapsedText != value) { this._collapsedText = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CollapsedText'); } }, get_ImageControlID : function() { /// /// ID of the element where an icon indicating the collapsed status of the target will be placed /// return this._imageControlID; }, set_ImageControlID : function(value) { if (this._imageControlID != value) { this._imageControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ImageControlID'); } }, get_ExpandedImage : function() { /// /// Path to an image to show in the element specified by ImageControlID when the target is expanded /// return this._expandedImage; }, set_ExpandedImage : function(value) { if (this._expandedImage != value) { this._expandedImage = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ExpandedImage'); } }, get_CollapsedImage : function() { /// /// Path to an image to show in the element specified by ImageControlID when the target is collapsed /// return this._collapsedImage; }, set_CollapsedImage : function(value) { if (this._collapsedImage != value) { this._collapsedImage = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('CollapsedImage'); } }, get_AutoExpand : function() { /// /// Whether to automatically expand the target when the mouse is moved over it /// return this._autoExpand; }, set_AutoExpand : function(value) { if (this._autoExpand != value) { this._autoExpand = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('AutoExpand'); } }, get_AutoCollapse : function() { /// /// Whether to automatically collapse the target when the mouse is moved off of it /// return this._autoCollapse; }, set_AutoCollapse : function(value) { if (this._autoCollapse != value) { this._autoCollapse = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('AutoCollapse'); } }, get_ExpandDirection : function() { /// /// Direction the panel will expand and collapse (can be either "Vertical" or "Horizontal") /// return this._expandDirection == Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelExpandDirection.Vertical; }, set_ExpandDirection : function(value) { if (this._expandDirection != value) { this._expandDirection = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ExpandDirection'); } } } Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior.registerClass('Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior', Sys.Extended.UI.BehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.CollapsiblePanelBehavior, { name: "collapsiblePanel" }); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedBase", "ExtendedCommon", "ExtendedAnimations"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();