// Name: BalloonPopup.BalloonPopupExtenderBehavior.debug.js // Assembly: AjaxControlToolkit // Version: // FileVersion: // (c) 2010 CodePlex Foundation /// /// /// /// /// /// /// (function () { var scriptName = "ExtendedBalloonPopupBehavior"; function execute() { Type.registerNamespace("Sys.Extended.UI"); Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior = function (element) { /// /// The BalloonPopupControlBehavior opens a popup window next to the target element /// /// /// DOM element associated with the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.initializeBase(this, [element]); this._balloonPopupControlID = null; this._position = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.Auto; this._balloonStyle = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle.Rectangle; this._offsetX = 0; this._offsetY = 0; this._extenderControlID = null; this._displayOnMouseOver = false; this._displayOnFocus = false; this._displayOnClick = true; this._balloonSize = "small"; this._shadow = true; this._scrollBars = Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.Auto; this._popupElement = null; this._styleElement = null; this._sizeElement = null; this._shadowElement = null; this._directionElement = null; this._contentElement = null; this._popupBehavior = null; this._popupVisible = false; this._focusHandler = null; this._mouseOverHandler = null; this._clickHandler = null; this._popupClickHandler = null; this._bodyClickHandler = null; this._onShowJson = null; this._onHideJson = null; this._popupWidth = 0; this._popupHeight = 0; this._AutoPosition = null; // to hold correct position when Position mode is auto this._directionClassName = null; // temporary store class names for direction and shadow elements } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.prototype = { initialize: function () { /// /// Initialize the behavior /// Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "initialize"); var e = this.get_element(); this.createPopupElement(); this._popupBehavior = $create(Sys.Extended.UI.PopupBehavior, { "id": this.get_id() + "BalloonPopupBehavior", "parentElement": e }, null, null, this._popupElement); if (this._onShowJson) { this._popupBehavior.set_onShow(this._onShowJson); } if (this._onHideJson) { this._popupBehavior.set_onHide(this._onHideJson); } if (this._displayOnFocus) { this._focusHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onFocus); } if (this._displayOnMouseOver) { this._mouseOverHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onMouseOver); } if (this._displayOnClick) { this._clickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onFocus); } this._popupClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onPopupClick); this._bodyClickHandler = Function.createDelegate(this, this._onBodyClick); if (this._displayOnFocus) { $addHandler(e, "focus", this._focusHandler); } if (this._displayOnMouseOver) { $addHandler(e, "mouseover", this._mouseOverHandler); } if (this._displayOnClick) { $addHandler(e, "click", this._clickHandler); } $addHandler(document, "click", this._bodyClickHandler); $addHandler(this._popupElement, "click", this._popupClickHandler); }, dispose: function () { /// /// Dispose the behavior /// var e = this.get_element(); this._onShowJson = null; this._onHideJson = null; if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.dispose(); this._popupBehavior = null; } if (this._focusHandler) { $removeHandler(e, "focus", this._focusHandler); this._focusHandler = null; } if (this._mouseOverHandler) { $removeHandler(e, "mouseover", this._mouseOverHandler); this._mouseOverHandler = null; } if (this._clickHandler) { $removeHandler(e, "click", this._clickHandler); this._clickHandler = null; } if (this._bodyClickHandler) { $removeHandler(document, "click", this._bodyClickHandler); this._bodyClickHandler = null; } if (this._popupClickHandler) { $removeHandler(this._popupElement, "click", this._popupClickHandler); this._popupClickHandler = null; } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "dispose"); }, createPopupElement: function () { var e = this.get_element(); this._popupElement = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", properties: { id: this.get_id() + "_balloonPopup", style: { display: "block", position: "absolute" } }, cssClasses: ["ajax__balloon_popup"] }, e.parentNode); this._styleElement = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "span", Properties: { id: "ajax__style_wrapper" } }, this._popupElement); this._sizeElement = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "span", Properties: { id: "ajax__size_wrapper" } }, this._styleElement); this._shadowElement = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", Properties: { id: "ajax__shadow_wrapper" } }, this._sizeElement); this._directionElement = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", Properties: { id: "ajax__direction_wrapper" } }, this._shadowElement); this._contentElement = $common.createElementFromTemplate({ nodeName: "div", Properties: { id: "ajax__content" }, cssClasses: ["ajax__content"] }, this._directionElement); if ($get(this._balloonPopupControlID) == null) throw "Referred BalloonPopupControlId did not find."; $get(this._balloonPopupControlID).style.display = 'none'; this.setStyle(); this.setSize(); this._directionElement.className = this._directionClassName; this._popupWidth = this._directionElement.offsetWidth; this._popupHeight = this._directionElement.offsetHeight; if (this.get_balloonPopupPosition() != Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.Auto) { this.setPosition(); this.setContentPadding(); this.setScrollBar(); } }, setStyle: function () { /// /// Set theme for balloon popup control. /// switch (this.get_balloonPopupStyle()) { case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle.Rectangle: this._styleElement.className = "rect"; this._directionClassName = "rect"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle.Cloud: this._styleElement.className = "cloud"; this._directionClassName = "cloud"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle.Custom: this._styleElement.className = this.get_customClassName(); this._directionClassName = this.get_customClassName(); break; default: this._styleElement.className = "rect"; this._directionClassName = "rect"; break; } }, setSize: function () { /// /// Set size of balloon popup control. /// switch (this.get_balloonSize()) { case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize.Small: this._sizeElement.className += " small"; this._directionClassName += " small"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize.Medium: this._sizeElement.className += " medium"; this._directionClassName += " medium"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize.Large: this._sizeElement.className += " large"; this._directionClassName += " large"; break; default: this._sizeElement.className += " small"; this._directionClassName += " small"; break; } }, setPosition: function () { /// /// Set position of balloon popup control. /// var currentPosition = null; if (this.get_balloonPopupPosition() == Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.Auto) { currentPosition = this._autoPosition; } else { currentPosition = this.get_balloonPopupPosition(); } switch (currentPosition) { case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopLeft: this._directionElement.className = this._directionClassName + " top_left"; this._shadowElement.className = this._directionClassName + " top_left_shadow"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopRight: this._directionElement.className = this._directionClassName + " top_right"; this._shadowElement.className = this._directionClassName + " top_right_shadow"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomLeft: this._directionElement.className = this._directionClassName + " bottom_left"; this._shadowElement.className = this._directionClassName + " bottom_left_shadow"; break; case Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomRight: this._directionElement.className = this._directionClassName + " bottom_right"; this._shadowElement.className = this._directionClassName + " bottom_right_shadow"; break; default: this._directionElement.className = this._directionClassName + " top_right"; this._shadowElement.className = this._directionClassName + " top_right_shadow"; break; } }, setContentPadding: function () { /// /// Set padding style for balloon popup contents /// var contentPadding = $common.getPaddingBox(this._contentElement); var content = $get(this._balloonPopupControlID); $common.setBounds(content, { x: this._offsetX + contentPadding.left, y: this._offsetY + contentPadding.top, width: this._popupWidth - contentPadding.left - contentPadding.right, height: this._popupHeight - contentPadding.top - contentPadding.bottom }); }, setScrollBar: function () { /// /// Set overflow style for balloon popup contents /// var content = $get(this._balloonPopupControlID); switch (this.get_scrollBars()) { case Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.Horizontal: $common.setStyle(content, { overflowX: "scroll", overflowY: "hidden" }); break; case Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.Vertical: $common.setStyle(content, { overflowY: "scroll", overflowX: "hidden" }); break; case Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.Both: $common.setStyle(content, { overflow: "scroll" }); break; case Sys.Extended.UI.ScrollBars.None: $common.setStyle(content, { overflow: "hidden" }); break; default: $common.setStyle(content, { overflow: "auto" }); break; } }, showPopup: function () { /// /// Display the ballon popup /// this._contentElement.appendChild($get(this._balloonPopupControlID)); $get(this._balloonPopupControlID).style.display = 'block'; if (Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.Auto == this._position) { this._setAutoPosition(); this.setPosition(); this.setContentPadding(); this.setScrollBar(); } if (!this._shadow) { this._shadowElement.className = ""; } var old = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup; if (old && old._popupBehavior) { old.hidePopup(); } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "populate"); this._popupBehavior.set_x(this._getLeftOffset()); this._popupBehavior.set_y(this._getTopOffset()); this._popupBehavior.show(); this._popupVisible = true; Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup = this; var bgPosX = $common.getCurrentStyle(this._directionElement, "backgroundPositionX"); var bgPosY = $common.getCurrentStyle(this._directionElement, "backgroundPositionY"); $common.setStyle(this._styleElement, { backgroundPositionX: bgPosX, backgroundPositionY: bgPosY }); }, hidePopup: function () { /// /// Hide the popup /// this._popupBehavior.hide(); this._popupVisible = false; Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup = null; }, _onFocus: function (e) { /// /// Show the balloon popup when its control is focused /// /// /// Event info /// if (!this._popupVisible) { this.showPopup(); } if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } }, _onMouseOver: function (e) { /// /// Show the balloon popup when its control is mouse over /// /// /// Event info /// if (!this._popupVisible) { this.showPopup(); } if (e) { e.stopPropagation(); } }, _onPopupClick: function (e) { /// /// Click handler for the popup /// /// /// Event info /// e.stopPropagation(); }, _onBodyClick: function () { /// /// Handler for the HTML body tag's click event /// if (this._popupVisible) { this.hidePopup(); } }, _onPopulated: function (sender, eventArgs) { /// /// Handler for DynamicPopulate completion /// /// /// Sender /// /// /// Event arguments /// Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.callBaseMethod(this, "_onPopulated", [sender, eventArgs]); if (this._popupVisible) { this._popupBehavior.show(); } }, _getLeftOffset: function () { /// /// Get the left offset for the balloon popup /// /// /// Left offset for the balloon popup /// var xoffSet = 0; var currentPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.Auto == this._position ? this._autoPosition : this._position; if (Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomLeft == currentPosition || Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopLeft == currentPosition) { xoffSet = (-1 * (this._popupWidth)) + this._offsetX; } else if (Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomRight == currentPosition || Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopRight == currentPosition) { xoffSet = this.get_element().offsetWidth + this._offsetX; } else { xoffSet = this._offsetX; } return xoffSet; }, _getTopOffset: function () { /// /// Get the top offset for the balloon popup /// /// /// Top offset for the balloon popup /// var yoffSet = 0; var currentPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.Auto == this._position ? this._autoPosition : this._position; if (Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopLeft == currentPosition || Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopRight == currentPosition) { yoffSet = (-1 * (this._popupHeight)) + this._offsetY; } else if (Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomLeft == currentPosition || Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomRight == currentPosition) { yoffSet = (this.get_element().offsetHeight) + this._offsetY; } else { yoffSet = this._offsetY; } return yoffSet; }, _setAutoPosition: function () { var _elementTopPosition = 0; var _elementLeftPosition = 0; var e = this.get_element(); if (e.offsetParent) { do { _elementLeftPosition += e.offsetLeft; _elementTopPosition += e.offsetTop; } while (e = e.offsetParent); } var _pageTopPosition = this.posTop(); var _pageLeftPosition = this.posLeft(); var _pagewidth = this.pageWidth(); var _pageHeight = this.pageHeight(); var _pageBottom = _pageTopPosition + _pageHeight; var _pageRight = _pageLeftPosition + _pagewidth; var _popTopPosition = _elementTopPosition - this._popupHeight; var _popLeftPosition = _elementLeftPosition - this._popupWidth; var _popBottomPosition = _elementTopPosition + this.get_element().offsetHeight + this._popupHeight; var _popRightPosition = _elementLeftPosition + this.get_element().offsetWidth + this._popupWidth; if ((_popTopPosition - _pageTopPosition) > 0 && ((_popTopPosition - _pageTopPosition) > (_pageBottom - _popBottomPosition))) { if (_pageRight < _popRightPosition) { this._autoPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopLeft; } else { this._autoPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.TopRight; } } else { if (_pageRight < _popRightPosition) { this._autoPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomLeft; } else { this._autoPosition = Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.BottomRight; } } }, get_onShow: function () { /// /// Generic OnShow Animation's JSON definition /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onShow() : this._onShowJson; }, set_onShow: function (value) { if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.set_onShow(value) } else { this._onShowJson = value; } this.raisePropertyChanged("onShow"); }, get_onShowBehavior: function () { /// /// Generic OnShow Animation's behavior /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onShowBehavior() : null; }, onShow: function () { /// /// Play the OnShow animation /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.onShow(); } }, get_onHide: function () { /// /// Generic OnHide Animation's JSON definition /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onHide() : this._onHideJson; }, set_onHide: function (value) { if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.set_onHide(value) } else { this._onHideJson = value; } this.raisePropertyChanged("onHide"); }, get_onHideBehavior: function () { /// /// Generic OnHide Animation's behavior /// return this._popupBehavior ? this._popupBehavior.get_onHideBehavior() : null; }, onHide: function () { /// /// Play the OnHide animation /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.onHide(); } }, get_BalloonPopupControlID: function () { /// /// The ID of the control to display /// return this._balloonPopupControlID; }, set_BalloonPopupControlID: function (value) { if (this._balloonPopupControlID != value) { this._balloonPopupControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("BalloonPopupControlID"); } }, get_balloonPopupPosition: function () { /// /// Where the balloon popup should be positioned relative to the target control. (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) /// return this._position; }, set_balloonPopupPosition: function (value) { if (this._position != value) { this._position = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("Position"); } }, get_balloonPopupStyle: function () { /// /// Theme/style of balloon popup control (Rectangle, Cloud) /// return this._balloonStyle; }, set_balloonPopupStyle: function (value) { if (this._balloonStyle != value) { this._balloonStyle = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("BalloonStyle"); } }, get_ExtenderControlID: function () { /// /// ID of the extender control /// return this._extenderControlID; }, set_ExtenderControlID: function (value) { if (this._extenderControlID != value) { this._extenderControlID = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("ExtenderControlID"); } }, get_OffsetX: function () { /// /// The number of pixels to horizontally offset the balloon Popup from its default position /// return this._offsetX; }, set_OffsetX: function (value) { if (this._offsetX != value) { this._offsetX = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("OffsetX"); } }, get_OffsetY: function () { /// /// The number of pixels to vertically offset the balloon Popup from its default position /// return this._offsetY; }, set_OffsetY: function (value) { if (this._offsetY != value) { this._offsetY = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("OffsetY"); } }, get_displayOnMouseOver: function () { /// /// get whether to display balloon popup onmouseover or not /// return this._displayOnMouseOver; }, set_displayOnMouseOver: function (value) { if (this._displayOnMouseOver != value) { this._displayOnMouseOver = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("DisplayOnMouseOver"); } }, get_displayOnFocus: function () { /// /// get whether to display balloon popup onfocus or not /// return this._displayOnFocus; }, set_displayOnFocus: function (value) { if (this._displayOnFocus != value) { this._displayOnFocus = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("DisplayOnFocus"); } }, get_displayOnClick: function () { /// /// get whether to display balloon popup onClick or not /// return this._displayOnClick; }, set_displayOnClick: function (value) { if (this.displayOnClick != value) { this.displayOnClick = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("DisplayOnClick"); } }, get_balloonSize: function () { /// /// get the size of balloon popup whether small, medium or large /// return this._balloonSize; }, set_balloonSize: function (value) { if (this._balloonSize != value) { this._balloonSize = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("BalloonSize"); } }, get_useShadow: function () { /// /// get whether to display shadow or not /// return this._shadow; }, set_useShadow: function (value) { if (this._shadow != value) { this._shadow = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("UseShadow"); } }, get_scrollBars: function () { /// /// get scroll bars behavior when content is overflow /// return this._scrollBars; }, set_scrollBars: function (value) { if (this._scrollBars != value) { this._scrollBars = value; this.raisePropertyChanged('ScrollBars'); } }, get_PopupVisible: function () { /// /// Whether the popup control is currently visible /// return this._popupVisible; }, get_customClassName: function () { /// /// Name of the css class that will be used for the custom theme. /// return this._customClassName; }, set_customClassName: function (value) { if (this._customClassName != value) { this._customClassName = value; this.raisePropertyChanged("CustomClassName"); } }, add_showing: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the showing event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_showing(handler); } }, remove_showing: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the showing event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_showing(handler); } }, raiseShowing: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the showing event /// /// /// Event arguments for the showing event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseShowing(eventArgs); } }, add_shown: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the shown event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_shown(handler); } }, remove_shown: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the shown event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_shown(handler); } }, raiseShown: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the shown event /// /// /// Event arguments for the shown event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseShown(eventArgs); } }, add_hiding: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the hiding event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_hiding(handler); } }, remove_hiding: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the hiding event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_hiding(handler); } }, raiseHiding: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the hiding event /// /// /// Event arguments for the hiding event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseHiding(eventArgs); } }, add_hidden: function (handler) { /// /// Add an event handler for the hidden event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.add_hidden(handler); } }, remove_hidden: function (handler) { /// /// Remove an event handler from the hidden event /// /// /// Event handler /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.remove_hidden(handler); } }, raiseHidden: function (eventArgs) { /// /// Raise the hidden event /// /// /// Event arguments for the hidden event /// /// if (this._popupBehavior) { this._popupBehavior.raiseHidden(eventArgs); } }, posTop: function () { var winTopPosition = 0; if (typeof window.pageYOffset != "undefined") { winTopPosition = window.pageYOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { winTopPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else if (document.body.scrollTop) { winTopPosition = document.body.scrollTop; } return winTopPosition; }, posLeft: function () { var winLeftPosition = 0; if (typeof window.pageXOffset != "undefined") { winLeftPosition = window.pageXOffset; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollLeft) { winLeftPosition = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; } else if (document.body.scrollLeft) { winLeftPosition = document.body.scrollLeft; } return winLeftPosition; }, pageHeight: function () { var _height = null; if (window.innerHeight != null) { _height = window.innerHeight; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { _height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else if (document.body != null) { _height = document.body.clientHeight; } return _height; }, pageWidth: function () { var _width = null; if (window.innerWidth != null) { _width = window.innerWidth; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { _width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body != null) { _width = document.body.clientWidth; } return _width; } } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.registerClass("Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior", Sys.Extended.UI.DynamicPopulateBehaviorBase); Sys.registerComponent(Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior, { name: "balloonPopupBehavior" }); Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupControlBehavior.__VisiblePopup = null; Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition = function () { /// /// Position of the popup relative to the target control /// /// /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.prototype = { Auto: 0, TopRight: 1, TopLeft: 2, BottomRight: 3, BottomLeft: 4 } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupPosition", false); Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle = function () { /// /// Position of the popup relative to the target control /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle.prototype = { Rectangle: 0, Cloud: 1, Custom: 2 } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupStyle", false); Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize = function () { /// /// Size of the popup /// /// /// /// throw Error.invalidOperation(); } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize.prototype = { Small: 0, Medium: 1, Large: 2 } Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize.registerEnum("Sys.Extended.UI.BalloonPopupSize", false); } // execute if (window.Sys && Sys.loader) { Sys.loader.registerScript(scriptName, ["ExtendedDynamicPopulate", "ExtendedPopup", "ExtendedAnimationBehavior"], execute); } else { execute(); } })();