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injectivity($ n=1$)

Lemma 16   $ \phi:A_n(k)\to A_n(k)$ be a $ k$-homomorphism. Then $ trans.deg(\phi(\xi_1^p),\dots,\phi(\xi_n^p))$ is equal to $ n$.

[proof] We may assume that $ k$ is algebraically closed. The field $ k(\xi_1,\dots,\xi_n)$ has $ n$ linearly independent $ k$-derivations $ \{\operatorname{ad}(\eta_i)\}_{i=1}^n$. Since $ k(\xi_1,\dots,\xi_n)$ is separable over $ k$, its transcendent degree is equal to the number of linear independent derivations [3, Theorem 4.4.2.]. Thus we conclude that transcendent degree of $ k(\xi_1,\dots,\xi_n)$ is no less than (hence is equal to) $ n$. That means, $ \xi_1,\dots,\xi_n$ are algebraically independent over $ k$.

Lemma 17 ($ n=1$)   Any $ k$-algebra endomorphism $ \phi:A_1(k) \to A_1(k)$ is injective.

[proof] We may assume that the base field $ k$ is algebraically closed. $ \phi(A_1(k))$ has no zero-divisor except for 0. Thus

$\displaystyle \phi(A_1(k))\otimes_{\phi(Z(A_1(k))} Q(\phi(Z(A_1(k)))

is a skew field which is of finite rank over $ Q(\phi(Z(A_1(k))))$. If the transcendent degree of the field $ K$ is $ 1$, then it contradicts with Tsen's theorem. Thus $ \phi(\xi^p),\phi(\eta^p)$ are algebraically independent over $ k$.

$ \qedsymbol$


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