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reduction to characteristic $ p$

Suppose we are given a $ \mathbb{C}$-algebra endomorphism $ \phi$ of $ A_n(\mathbb{C})$. Since the algebra $ A_n(\mathbb{C})$ is finitely generated over $ \mathbb{C}$, the endomorphism $ \phi$ is actually defined over a ring $ R$ which is finitely generated algebra over $ \mathbb{Q}$.

By a specialization argument we may assume $ R=\mathfrak{O}(\mathfrak{K})[1/f]$, where $ \mathfrak{K}$ is a finite extension field of $ \mathbb{Q}$, $ \mathfrak{O}(\mathfrak{K})$ is the ring of all algebraic integers in $ \mathfrak{K}$, $ f$ is a non zero element of $ \mathfrak{O}(\mathfrak{K})$.

For almost all (that is, all except finite number of) prime ideals $ \mathfrak{p}$ of $ \mathfrak{O}(\mathfrak{K})$, we obtain an algebra endomorphism $ \phi_\mathfrak{p}$ of an algebra $ A_n(k(\mathfrak{p}))$ over $ k(\mathfrak{p})$ where $ k(\mathfrak{p})=\mathfrak{O}(\mathfrak{K})/\mathfrak{p}$ is a field of a positive characteristic $ p$.

Lemma 2   $ \phi$ is invertible if and only if homomorphisms $ \phi_\mathfrak{p}$ are invertible for all except finite number of primes $ \mathfrak{p}\in \operatorname{Spec}(\mathcal O(\mathfrak{K}))$.

The ``only if'' part is clear. To prove ``if'', we suppose on the contrary that $ \phi$ is not invertible. This means, as we mentioned, that $ \phi$ is not surjective. Then there exists a nonzero linear functional 1 $ \chi$ such that $ \chi \circ \phi=0$. It is easy to see that $ \chi$ defines a non zero linear functional $ \chi_\mathfrak{p}$ on $ A_n(k(\mathfrak{p}))$ for all except finite number of primes $ \mathfrak{p}$, and that $ \chi_pe\circ \phi_\mathfrak{p}=0$. this is a contradiction, and the lemma is proved. $ \qedsymbol$

It is thus worthwhile to study $ A_n(k)$ and its automorphism when $ k$ has a positive characteristic.


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